Hello. My name is Jonny Perez and I am a marketing specialist with Gr8Heritage.
I am a service hearted, family loving man who has deep roots in the non profit community of Kern County. I started my own family owned and operated business that specializes in adding value to your brand or organization.
I have been connected with the League of Dreams for over 5 years. I see what the organization does to create an inviting and loving environment for families to grow and thrive through activity and fun.
As the tagline says, there is no reason why a child should feel excluded from any activity. Watching the League of Dreams grow from a couple of programs to the multitude of family oriented activities and the teams built is a true inspiration. That is why I am raising money for the League of Dreams as a Shoe Guy for Wine Women and Shoes Bakersfield!
Please consider donating to my fundraiser in hopes of giving more children a chance to play.